Saturday, September 12, 2009

CSA Week 1

We were excited to receive our first CSA! There was - admittedly - a little uncertainty about what it would contain. We're fortunate to be able to make food choices for ourselves, so turning over the choices to OPO and Mother Nature is a change.

The first share contained radishes, hot peppers, arugula, okra, a watermelon, and basil. We also receive a dozen eggs every other week from Twin Oaks Farm

Our cat wasn't part of the share. She (Chuck) spent a good deal of time laying on the veggies and even nibbling a few. 

We decided to take some time to find new ways of preparing some of the items. This is probably one of the most exciting parts of supporting your CSA. The variety and selection differs from week-to-week, and from what we might typically buy. 

The radishes in particular were unexpected. When was the last time we bought radishes? At best, I remember eating them at my grandparents during holiday meals. Maybe my parents put them on salads occassionally. They are definitely not a regular item for us...and I began to wonder how we would stay true to our commitment to eat everything from the share.  And this is only the first week! (Ah, but there is a wonderful story to tell about the radishes.)

What would you have planned to make with these ingredients? Off to the kitchen and our cookbooks!
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Kudya Bwino Bwino (Eating Well) © 2009